WildThings Rescue Nursery Native Plants with purpose
Oenothera macrocarpa (Large Flowered Evening Primrose)
A low growing, well behaved Evening Primrose with ridiculously large blooms.
Moist, well-draining soil and sun. Easy!
Wildlife Benefits:Nectar source for native bees, pollinators and butterflies. Prostrate growth habit makes excellent cover for small creatures like frogs/toads/salamanders
Gallon Pot $15.00
Monarda fitulosa White Form (White Bee Balm)
Native straight species, pure white Bee Balm that is mildew resistant AND behaves! Blooms for months and the bees and hummers love it!
Sun to partial shade and fast draining soil. (We grow ours in sandy raised beds and they love it.)
Wildlife benefits: Valuable nectar source for many native pollinators, bees and butterflies. A favorite of the Hummingbird Moths.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Rudbeckia triloba
This is the straight species, with clear cheery yellow blooms, (LOTS of them!), and getting about 4' tall in our gardens, with non-stop blooming until frost. Easy in full sun and any soil with decent drainage.
Wildlife Benefits: Larval host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly. Larval host plant for16 Lepidoptera Butterfly species. Pollen and nectar source for a wide array of Native Bees and Pollinators!
Gallon Pot $15.00
Oenothera minima (Itsy Bitsy Mini Evening Primrose)
This adorable miniature only gets about 2" tall, and blooms on and off all through the growing season. Superb rockery plant or anywhere up front along your sunny perennial border. Self sows freely.
Moist well draining soil and sun.
Wildlife benefits: Nectar source for butterflies and Native Pollinators.
5" Pot $12.00
Muhlengergia capillaris (Pink Muhly Grass)
A lovely shorter grass, (1 to 3 feet), and a clump type grass.
Showy pink to purple inflorescens.
Wildlife Benefits: Larval host for The Paradoxical Grass Moth.
Attracts beneficials.
1 Gallon Pot $15.00
Monarda didyma Pink Form (Pink Bee Balm)
Another nectar rich Monarda, usually covered with Skippers and Hummingbird Moths here in our gardens.
Likes partial shade and a well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Valuable nectar source for many native pollinators, bees and butterflies. A favorite of the Hummingbirds.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Penstemon digitalis (Bearded Tounge)
Such an easy, beautiful plant to grow in almost any soil, with full sun.
Long blooming and very showy, great in combination with any of your other native sun-lovers.
Wildlife Benefits: HIGH WILDLIFE VALUE! Nectar source for many long-tongued bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, Anthophorine bees, Miner bees, Mason bees, and large Leaf-Cutting bees. Also a nectar source for many Butterflies and Sphinx Moth species, as well as Hummingbirds!
Gallon Pot $15.00
Salvia azurea
Late blooming (GORGEOUS) tall sage producing lots of nectar for hummingbirds and butterflies.
Wildlife Benefits:
A favorite of Bumbles, Hummingbird moths & Skippers.
Larval host for the Sage Sphinx Moth.
Gallon Pot 15.00
Pycanthemum incanum (Hoary Mt. Mint)
*Typically I will have several Pycanthemum species available
A REALLY beautiful late season bloomer, that just keeps on going until hard freeze. Full sun and just about any soil. Gets about 2-3 feet tall.
Wildlife Benefits: Special value to Honey Bees and Native Bees. Butterfly magnet!
Gallon Pot $15.00
Senna hebecarpa (Wild Senna)
Shrubby, tall perennial loaded with brilliant gold blooms mid-summer, and always covered with activity.
Sun to partial shade and any soil.
Wildlife Benefits:Larval host plant for Sulpher Butterflies, also moths Ascalapha odorata (Black Witch) and Pleuroprucha insulsaria (Common Tan Wave). Adored by Bumbles for it's pollen.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Senna marilandica (Wild Senna)
Not much different in appearance from the Senna hepecarpa, but a bit less common.
Still sports oodles of large bracts of golden blooms in Summer and always covered in Bumbles.
Sun to partial shade and any soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Larval Host Plant for Sulpher Butterflies, also moths Ascalapha odorata (Black Witch) and Pleuroprucha insulsaria (Common Tan Wave)
Gallon Pot $15.00
Sun-Lovers Page 4 (M-Se)
Rudbeckia lanceolata (Cut-leaf Coneflower)
A monster of a Black-Eyed-Susan, this 8' Rudbeckia is an enthusiastic grower that will quadruple in size in a single season.
In Summer it flaunts many cheery yellow flowers, which are always covered in pollinators.
Likes full sun and moist soil best,
but will grow just about anywhere.
Wildlife Benefits: Special value to Native Bees
Gallon Pot $15.00
Scutellaria incana (Hoary or Downy Skullcap)
One of the longest blooming perennials we grow here. Tall, dense spires of gorgeous blue blossoms that go for at least a month, longer with a bit of dead-heading.
Mature height 2'.
Likes sun and a moist, well draining soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Favorite nectar source of Bumblebees, Skippers and Small Butterflies.
Gallon pot $15.00
Oenothera pallida (White Evening Primrose)
Stunning white form of Evening Primrose that blooms nearly all season.
Sun and good drainage. Gets about 1 1/2 feet tall here in the gardens.
Wildlife benefits: Larval host plant for the Sphinx Moth and always covered with native bees and pollinators.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Salvia lyrata (Lyre-leaf Sage)
A low growing, front of the border native, with beautiful foliage, and delightful bluish-white tubular blossoms.
Moist, but well draining soil in full to partial sun.
Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for Hummingbirds and a wide assortment of Butterflies.
Gallon pot $15.00
Phlox maculata (Tall Garden Phlox)
Imagine a tall fragrant summer Phlox that doesn't mildew!
This is a native, straight species Phlox that never gets Powdery Mildew EVER!
Sun and any soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Provides abundant nectar for Bees, Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Moths and Skippers.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Monarda didyma (Red Bee Balm)
A prolific bloomer and always a Hummingbird magnet.
Brilliant red blooms loaded with nectar and just plain gorgeous in the gardens.
Sun to partial shade and a moist, but well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Valuable nectar source for many native pollinators, bees and butterflies. A favorite of the Hummingbirds.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Rudbeckia triloba "Red Sport"
*Shown with Rudbeckia hirta
The plant is very branched, even at 3 to 4 feet.
The flowers are mini, but abundant.
Begins putting on the show in early to mid-summer, and ours are still blooming in the gardens until the frost.
Full sun to partial shade and good drainage.
Wildlife benefits: Larval host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly. Larval host plant for16 Lepidoptera Butterfly species. Always covered with Native Bees here in the gardens.
Hardy to zone 4.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Monarda punctata
A native "Bee Balm" that we have just fallen in love with here.
Likes sun and must have a well draining soil. (Loves sand!)
A self sowing Biennial.
Wildlife benefits: A favorite nectar plant of the rare Karner Blue Butterfly and Hummingbirds. Larval host for Pyralid Moths and the Gray Marvel.
Frequently visited by many bees & Wasps.
Gallon Pot $15.00